Vision & Mission

As a premier institution of learning widely recognised for leadership in research and innovation, UPM continues to strive for excellence. In order to motivate the entire university community towards achieving excellence, it is important that all members, both students and members of staff, share the responsibility of strictly adhering to the demands of the university’s vision, mission, and goals.


To become a university of international repute


To make meaningful contributions to the creation of prosperity and development of the nation and the well-being of all human beings through the exploration and dissemination of knowledge

Educational Goal

Produce superior graduates who are holistic, ihsan, patriotic and resilient


Ihsan, diversity, and sustainability

UPM Goals



Goal 1

Produce resilient graduates who can withstand challenges


Goal 2

Establish research and innovation hubs that generate value-based sustainable ecosystem


Goal 3

Create a sustainable industry and community networking ecosystem


Goal 4

Strengthen agriculture and food security resilience


Goal 5

Strengthen institutional governance, financial and green practices sustainability