College Halls

Each residential college has it’s very own common hall. These halls are used for activities by students residing in the respective residences.

College Rashid Mohamed
The College also offers two halls that are equipped with public address systems and can accommodate more than 100 people at one time. Student hall can accommodate 100 people at one time while the House Cendana Center can accommodate up to 300 people at one time. 

Second College 
The College has a multi-purpose hall called Hornbill House. Hall is also equipped with public address systems and can accommodate 200 people. It is also close to the gym room that can accommodate up to 20 people. 

College Chancellor
The College provides a multi-purpose hall, called the House of Culture Art can accommodate up to 300 people. 

Fifth College 
The College provides a multi-purpose hall named Sri Harmony Hall. This hall is equipped with public address systems and can accommodate up to 350 people at one time. 

Sixth College 
The College provides a hall that can accommodate up to 350. House called the House of Sri outward appearance. 

  • Mr. Abdul Aziz Males 
  • 03-89467377 

College Sultan Alaeddin Suleiman Shah
Aleddin Sultan Suleiman Shah College (KOSASS) provides a multi-purpose hall that can accommodate up to 300 people. Multi-purpose hall is called the House jeweler. 

College Tun Perak
The College provides two halls that can accommodate 100 people. Dewan Sri Treasurer that can accommodate 350 persons and Dewan Sri Admiral that can accommodate 200 people. 

  • Mr. Mohd Shukri Mohd Noor 
  • 03-89467387 

College Pendeta Za'aba
The College provides a multi-purpose hall that can accommodate 200 people of Prince Hall 3. 

College Ten
The College provides a hall that can accommodate up to 400 people. This is called the House Hibiscus House. 

College Serumpun 
The College provides a multi-purpose hall that can accommodate up to 1000 people. Available in the college hall is Prince Hall 2. 

Thirteen colleges 
Available in the college hall is Prince Hall 1. This hall can accommodate up to 450 people.